Maintaining Change in Trying Times

You may have been making changes prior to the pandemic and all the changes that came along with it.  You may have been going along just fine, then quarantine came along and ran interference on your goals.  Between missing out on the usual routines that bring comfort, constant Zoom meetings, missing social contacts, and feelings of uncertainty about the future, it’s easy to let positive behavior changes go by the wayside.  But these very behaviors can play a huge role in helping us to cope with the pandemic in the most resilient way possible.  Here are some strategies that may help you to maintain positive behavioral changes during this time:

  1. Take advantage of all of the technology that is available. So many things are being offered online right now.  
  2. Explore alternatives and get creative.  Is there a different way to engage in change?
  3. Break things down into even tinier steps.  Breaking big goals into small steps is always a good idea. Right now, life is so disrupted that we need to break those small steps down even more. 
  4. Ask yourself: Is there a simpler way to get the same results?  Can I reduce the amount of time I spend making changes so that I won’t get burned out?  Can I lower my expectations a bit?
  5. Find support from people with similar goals. Even with social distancing in place, we can still reach out for support.  Many support groups are being held online that can create a sense of community around a behavioral change goal.